According to their needs, legal entities and individuals in Alpha Bank may participate in the:

  • Primary securities market

  • Secondary securities market

    The primary securities market is organized by the Ministry of Finance and concerns the participation in auction for issue of:

  • Government treasury bills and
  • State bonds

    Alpha Bank AD Skopje participates in the auction of the government treasury bills and state bonds as an authorized direct participant where the Bank, in its own name and for account of indirect participants (domestic and foreign legal entities) participates in the organized auctions.

    For participating in the auction of the government treasury bills and state bonds, the interested parties need to fill out a Form-request for government treasury bills purchase or Form-request for state bonds purchase.

    Aside from the timely submission of the Request to the Bank, it is necessary for the interested parties to make payment on the account of the Bank for:

  • The discounted amount of the requested government treasury bills if participating in the auction of the government treasury bills

  • The nominal amount of the requested state bonds if participating in the auction of the state bonds

    For the unsuccessful auction participations (when the auction yield no positive results for the client), the Bank does not charge commission.


    The secondary securities market concerns the purchase and/or sale of the already issued government treasury bills and state bonds.

    At the Bank, concerning on the secondary securities market, the interested parties may:

  • Sell government treasury bills and state bonds which they own
  • Buy government treasury bills and state bonds that the Bank owns.

    Information: Treasury Division
    Telephone: +389 2 3289 416; 3289 415

    Address: Dame Gruev 1, MK-1000 Skopje         + 389 2 3289 400, Fax: + 389 2 3116 830         E-mail:[email protected]